As you may or may not be able to tell, everything on this blog has been eviscerated. Do not fear, for I am not putting down my keyboard just yet. After a few weeks of hair-pulling, face-smashing, and head banging, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot 2D game-make.
One night as I was trying to fall asleep, I realized that I did not have to screw around with it. So, I have dropped Pop! for now and gone with an RPG of sorts. Not gonna say anything yet, but there'll be one more blog post - the last of this blog, most likely - with the link to the fancy new blog with the fancy new game and the fancy new newness.
Oh, and, I'll also be working with someone else on this, so things will get done half as fast. No, that's not a typo. :) Just kidding, when we get into the flow of things, it'll be some pretty quick rolling.
That's it for now. Hopefully I haven't left anyone biting their nails. No, wait. Hopefully, I have. I love cliff hanging people.
One night as I was trying to fall asleep, I realized that I did not have to screw around with it. So, I have dropped Pop! for now and gone with an RPG of sorts. Not gonna say anything yet, but there'll be one more blog post - the last of this blog, most likely - with the link to the fancy new blog with the fancy new game and the fancy new newness.
Oh, and, I'll also be working with someone else on this, so things will get done half as fast. No, that's not a typo. :) Just kidding, when we get into the flow of things, it'll be some pretty quick rolling.
That's it for now. Hopefully I haven't left anyone biting their nails. No, wait. Hopefully, I have. I love cliff hanging people.