Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ranged weapons

So, evidently the titling works . . . at least it does on my app. I'll have to check it out on the web browser . . .

Ooh, I just did . . . and it looks wonderful! Instead of just having the date of when it was published, it now has the name, nicely centered. Very neat. Love this app already.

So. Ranged system. This will be . . . interesting. I mean, aiming accurately would be an interesting thing on a platform-style game. Especially if I were to implement an arcing system with it . . . I have an idea: To aim, instead of tapping the "action" button (Oh, jeez, now I gotta do a post about the planned UI) , you tap the screen to indicate where you want the arrow fired. There'll be no power changes, so one tap will do, and it'll send your arrow soaring where you tapped. This way, it'll be difficult to headshot, but easy to get used to how the arcs go and at least you'll be able to reliably bomb people with your splash-effect arrows.

So here's what I'll probably do: I'll go by arrow types. I mean, you can't really have different abilities when it comes to arrows. So there will be one big grid, on which there will be different arrow types - bomb arrows that do splash damage, hardened arrows that can mitigate armor effects, magic arrows that can slow people up etc. I would think that buying arrow types would be with gold, not experience - maybe a mix? What do you think?

But then there's something else that I want to - will - add to the ranged weaponry system: Insta-kill headshots - but only with the standard, non-upgradable wooden arrows that you get when you buy a bow. The crappy ones that can't do anything. But unless you have a helmet strong enough, or a spell to prevent it, which will be assuredly hard to get, a headshot with that crappy arrow will do the trick against the strongest of opponents. This is mostly for multiplayer purposes, but I'll probably add it to singleplayer.

Bows will probably only add extra damage to your arrows, although some of them might add specific damage types to the arrows - like one bow could cause arrows to set people on fire, but it wouldn't be able to shoot any ice-based arrows etc.

There will be no ammo system for the arrows, but the ones with the special abilities (Magic ones or ones that set things on fire/freeze them etc) will drain your stamina/mana (Now I gotta do a post about THAT too), and the arrows that wouldn't be able to drain your mana (Bomb ones, hardened ones, arrow storms/hails, etc.) will just have a cool-down that you'll have to grit your teeth through.

I might, just for the novelty of it, make arrows craft-able too. Actually, you know what I'll do? I'll make the next post about crafting. There, I've got a plan. I'll probably post that tomorrow, although if I get bored again today . . . :)

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